Tuesday, 16 April 2013

P1h Stable Earth

You need to be able to:

  • Explain how seismic waves travel, the problems they cause and how scientists use the waves to gather information about Earth's structure
  • Explain the effects of UV radiation on various skin types (including calculating how long someone can spend in the sun safely, how to protect humans from Uv radiation and the publicity around UV exposure)
  • Describe the discovery, causes of, and response to the ozone hole
  1. Notes on earthquakes from BBC Bitesize
  2. Seismometers detecting earthquake epicentre

  3. The ozone layer hole - A multimedia online journey...


P1f Data Transmission

You need to be able to:
  • Compare and contrast analogue and digital signals (what they are, how they work with reference to TV remotes, the digital switchover, advantages of digital)
  • Explain uses of IR (passive sensors, thermal imaging, carrier of information)
  • Describe the transmission of light in optical fibres
  1. Video on how infra red remotes work
  2. Infra-red satellite photo, showing weather patternsUses of IR

P1e Cooking and Communicating using Waves

You need to be able to:
  • Explain how microwaves and infrared waves transfer energy to materials (referencing cooking and how the different waves work)
  • Explain how mobile phones use microwaves to work
  • Describe the pros and cons of mobile phone use (including conflicting opinions and how scientists are trying to resolve them)

  1. Notes on communicating using waves from BBC Bitesize
  2. Pros and Cons of using mobiles

P1g Wireless Signals

You need to be able to:
  • Explain how reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves can be an advantage and a disadvantage for communication (making it work, interference)
  • Describe common uses of wireless technology and why it is advantageous
  • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of DAB
  1. A diagram showing incoming energy as an arrow passing through a surface with a small opening. The energy diffracts and leaves the opening on the other side in multiple directions.

  3. Notes from BBC Bitesize on wireless signals and DAB

P1d Light and Lasers

You need to be able to:
  • Describe how light has been historically used for communication
  • Explain what total internal reflection is and how it is used in fibre optics (light and IR)
  • Explain the type of light produced by lasers, and how they are used in CD players
  1. Historical light signals
  2. ...and morse code
  4. How a CD player works notes

P1c A Spectrum of Waves

You need to be able to:
  • Describe and calculate various values for transverse waves (wavelength, amplitude, frequency, wave speed, using values from diagrams)
  • Describe the wave types in the electromagnetic spectrum and their uses (specifically communications uses)
  • Describe and explain reflection, refraction and diffraction of waves

  1. Some practise wave equation questions...
  2. ...and some more

P1b Keeping Homes Warm

You need to be able to:
  • Explain heat energy transfer by conduction, convection and radiation (linked to home and appliance design and including absorption and emission of IR)
  • Explain why heat conservation methods work, and evaluate different methods (air as an insulator, maximising heat energy to inside, minimising heat energy transfer to atmosphere, payback time)
  • Use the fact that energy is conserved in energy efficiency calculations
  1. How surfaces affect absorption and emission of. IR  

P1a Heating Houses

You need to be able to:
  • Explain the differences between heat energy and temperature
  • Explain thermograms and state change graphs in terms of temperature and heat energy
  • Use specific heat capacity and specific latent heat equations to calculate various quantities (energy in J, mass in kg, temperature change in oC)
  2. Specific heat capacity calculations tutorial

C1h Paints and Pigments

You need to be able to:

  • Describe the ingredients in and explain the structure of paints (colloids)
  • Explain how oil pains and how emulsion paints dry
  • Describe and explain the uses of thermochromatic and phosphorescent pigments
  1. Paints and pigments notes from Bitesize
  2. Paints video...
  3. And another...
  4. Watching paint dry animation and notes


C1g Smells

You need to be able to

  • Describe and explain the formation and properties if esters in synthetic perfumes
  • Explain how esters can be used as solvents (or why water won't remove nail polish)
  • Explain the need to test cosmetics, and opinions surrounding testing on animals
  1. Esters notes from BBC Bitesize
  2. Soluble and insoluble materials BBC clip
  3. Cosmetics testing notes


C1f Food

You need to be able to
  • Explain what cooking does to foods and why this makes them easier to digest
  • Explain the action of emulsifiers
  • Construct balanced equations showing how baking powder (sodium hydrogen carbonate) works, and how you can test for the gas made
  1. Kitchen Science - eggs
  2. Flash emulsifier simulation
  3. Baking powder chemistry from the BBC

C1e Designer Polymers

You need to be able to:
  • Explain links between polymer properties and uses (including bonding and models of structures)
  • Explain properties of Gore-Tex(R) and nylon
  • Explain issues with the use of polymers (environmental and economic)
  1. Designer polymers notes from the BBC (look at all 4 pages)
  2. Examples of designer polymers and issues with polymers

C1d Making Polymers

You need to be able to:
  • Describe saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons (elements and bonds involved, formulae, how to test for an alkene)
  • Explain how to make an addition polymer (monomer to polymer, unsaturated to saturated, naming from monomer, displayed formula)
  1. Monomer to polymer interactive model
  2. What, you guys again?!

C1c Clean Air

You need to be able to:
  • Describe the composition and formation of today's atmosphere (including the role of photosynthesis, respiration, combustion and volcanoes)
  • Explain why it is important to control atmospheric pollution
  • Describe how a catalytic converter works (carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, nitrogen to nitrous oxides, high temperature)
  1. Drawing of part of Earth's surface, with water, oxygen, ozone and nitrogen in the atmosphere.Drawing of part of Earth's surface, with water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia molecules in atmosphere.Drawing of part of Earth's surface, with helium and hydrogen atoms in atmosphere, heading upward toward space.
  2. Atmospheric evolution from NASA
  3. BBC Bitesize notes 1 and 2
  4. The story of the catalytic converter by BASF

C1b Using Carbon Fuels

You need to be able to:
  • Evaluate fuels for a particular purpose (considering availability, cost, energy value, pollution, ease of use, toxicity and storage)
  • Explain the complete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels (plentiful oxygen, lots of heat energy produced, carbon dioxide and water produced, word equations and balanced symbol equations, link to Bunsen flame, advantages over incomplete combustion)
  • Explain the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels (oxygen, shortage, some heat energy produced, carbon monoxide, carbon and water produced, word equations and balanced symbol equations, link to Bunsen flame, link to poisoning)

  1. Combustion notes from AUS-e-TUTE 

  2. Carbon monoxide build up.

C1a Making Crude Oil Useful

You need to be able to:
  • Describe the composition of crude oil (non-renewable fossil fuel, problems because of this, hydrocarbon mixture)
  • Explain how the fractional distillation of crude oil works (labelled distillation column with fractions, bond type that breaks)
  • Explain the cracking of fractions (why it's done, how it's done in the lab, how it's done on a larger scale, link to supply and demand)

  1. Lots of notes on crude oil and making it useful
  2. doc b oil notesGCSE Notes from Doc Brown
  3. Videos and simulations on crude oil and its products

B1h Variation and Inheritance

You need to be able to:
  • Identify characteristic as environmental, inherited or both
  • Understand and apply the terms; "chromosome, gene, allele, dominant, recessive, genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive"
  • Construct and use genetic cross diagrams for gender determination, family pedigrees of inherited disorders and for inherited characteristics (e.g. eye colour)

  1. Variation and inheritance notes
  2. Reading, flash cards, quiz and more on genetic variation
  3. Key terminology meanings
  4. Interactive eye colour calculator

B1g Controlling Plant Growth

You need to be able to:
  • Describe, explain and conclude from experiments investigating plant's response to light
  • Explain phototropism and geotropism (including the role of auxin)
  • Expalin how plant hormones are used commercially
  1. Tutorial on tropisms (you don't need to understand thigmotropism)
  2. Geotropism and phototropism notes from the BBC
  3. Quiz on auxin and plant growth
  4. Notes and questions on tropisms

B1f Staying in Balance

You need to be able to:
  • Explain what homoeostasis is and how negative feedback loops maintain it
  • Explain thermoregulation (what, why needed, how, what if it doesn't happen) 
  • Explain the control of blood sugar (why needed, how, what if it doesn't happen)
  1. S-cool notes on homeostasis
  2. Human homeostasis notes

B1e Drugs and You

You need to be able to:

  • Explain the classification of drugs (harmful/beneficial/prescription, legal classification with examples and effects, stimulants/depressants with examples and what they do to the synapses)
  • Explain how smoking causes health problems (CO2, nicotine, tars, particulates, particular focus on the cause of smoker's cough)
  • Explain the effect of alcohol (short term, long term - particular focus on cirrhosis, social impacts - data analysis)
  1. Bitesize notes on drugs.
  2. Drugs and bad body maintenance notes
  3. Interactive body map showing the effects of alcohol


B1d The Nervous System

You need to be able to:

  • Explain how the eye works (focus near and far, functions of each part, how long/short sight can be corrected, advantages and disadvantages of monocular and binocular vision)
  • Describe the nervous system and the cells in it (neurones adapted to their function)
  • Describe reflex and voluntary action (reflex arc, spinal reflex, synapses)
  1. The nervous system and senses notes
  2. Website explaining the nervous system, with further links
  3. Short sight animation and diagrams
  4. Long sight animation and diagrams
  5. Bitesize notes on the eye (look at all the pages)
  6. A nerve cell
  7. Reflex arc
  8. A synapse