Tuesday, 16 April 2013

C2a The Structure of the Earth

You need to be able to:
  • Describe the properties of the layers of the Earth and the problems in studying it (lithosphere, crust, mantle, core)
  • Describe the development and the theory of plate tectonics
  • Describe the action of volcanoes (types of eruption linked to magma composition, tyoes of rocks formed from different types of lava and different cooling rates, why people live near them, why geologists study volcanoes, how geologists predict eruptions)
  1. Lots of visualisations - scroll down to "chapter 8 plate tectonics"
  2.  Wegener's Theory - notes from BBC Bitesize
  3. Interactive map of active volcanoes
  4. Information and videos on volcano types
  5.  Composite vs shield volcano video
  6. Lots of notes...doc b's Earth Science Notes
  7. Types of eruption 



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